Our Work

Web-based Document Search App

Our client is a law firm with multiple attorneys dealing with a number of high profile cases. They were looking for a system that simplifies the process of searching through their various contracts and other documents. To achieve this objective, we at Aroopa developed a web-based document repository solution. We developed this solution with various…

Upgrade nopCommerce 3.6 store to nopCommerce 4.0 store

Our client is a rugs manufacturer. They were using nopCommerce 3.6 version and the goal was to update the store to the latest 4.0 version. This is a major change in the architecture of nopCommerce. Upgrading to nopCommerce 4.0 will allow the customer to be uptodate with latest patches and features. We helped the customer…

QuickBooks, Braintree, and Invoice Ninja API Integration

Our customer is an e-commerce subscription business that uses Braintree to accept and manage recurring payments. We at Aroopa leveraged Braintree’s flexible API to develop a custom integration with Invoice Ninja. Our solution seamlessly allows our client to send automated invoices and authorized payments to their customers all within one web environment. If a customer’s…

Product Registration Portal

Our client is an industrial machine manufacturer in the United States. They needed a way for customers to register their purchased product and access the operating procedures, installation instructions, and administrative manuals. We developed a solution that has a customer-facing interface and admin interface. Upon registering the product, the customer is then able to download…

Order Management System (OMS & WMS)

Our client is a multichannel grocery seller who sells on eBay marketplace platforms. The customer usually gets 500 orders a day and processing them was a nightmare. We developed a solution that will centralize all of their orders in a simple web interface. This solution connects to eBay using their APIs and pulls the orders…

nopCommerce JustSold/Trending Now Plugin

Aroopa’s nopCommerce Just Sold/Trending Now plugin allows store owners to showcase recently sold products or trending products on home page. Displays recently sold items or trending items on home page. Orders from multi-channel can be imported if the customer uses smcommerce for multichannel order management and inventory management Provides options to name the widgets like…

nopCommerce EasyPaisa Payment Plugin

Our client is an Uniform manufacturer and they specialize in selling uniforms in their ecommerce store. They use nopCommerce shopping cart. Our client wanted to add EasyPaisa payment gateway for accepting payments. EasyPaisa offers various payment methods and we created a plugin for our client. The plugin allows our customer to Accept payments through EasyPaisa payment gateway It…